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Article: Unveiling of Saint-Henri micro-torréfacteur new branding

Dévoilement de la nouvelle image de marque de Saint-Henri micro-torréfacteur|Unveiling of Saint-Henri micro-torréfacteur new branding

Unveiling of Saint-Henri micro-torréfacteur new branding

W e decided to change the brand image of Saint-Henri micro-torréfacteur to give it a breath of fresh air, but also for environmental choices regarding packaging and other promotional materials.

Our new bags offer new visual brands and unique signage , which will help consumers find their way around more easily. So, rather than having a single color for all coffees like in the old packaging, espresso blends and single origins for the filter will carry a different color. Our color choices are less garish than before. We wanted to present more grounded colors that exuded the confidence and maturity that we have acquired after 8 years of purchasing at the source and roasting. Our two main colors, burgundy red and forest green, are colors that take their roots in nature and the earth and are reminiscent of both the green of the coffee tree and the ripe red of coffee cherries.

Another new feature is that each origin is now assigned a number. The number will help our customers remember their favorite type of coffee. You should know that the numbers for each coffee will not follow a chronological order since they are those assigned by the International Coffee Organization to each producing country.

In addition to the name of the farmer and the number designating his country of origin, each coffee label will feature a unique color: this color evokes the tasting notes contained in the bag, notes which are also described on the label. Finally, the roasting date, the supply method and the region, sub-region as well as the coffee varieties of each micro-lot are communicated.

Saint Henri Numbering and Colors

An example of the new numbering and its associated color.

Our new packaging offers the highest standards of compostable and renewable material: both the protective film and the freshness valve of the new bags are made of Biotrē ™️ 2.0 material. With these changes, we wish to be a vector of the new consumer society, more responsible and with fewer consequences for the environment.

We also chose to offer 250 gram bags of specialty coffee, rather than 300 grams. Specialty coffee is an increasingly rare exotic fruit that grows thousands of kilometers from places of consumption. Therefore, we believe that changing the consumption paradigm is necessary. Specialty coffee should no longer be consumed as a convenience product, but rather as a fine, rare product with a considerable environmental impact. Drinking less convenience coffee and more specialty coffee is the pledge we are taking.

Evolution of coffee bags at Saint-Henri

Another consequence of the small drop in quantity in the bags: the drop in price! Our same delicious micro-lots thus become accessible to a larger number of people and delivery too. We are thus better equipped and positioned to make our specialty coffees available in delicatessens and independent merchants across Quebec.

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