A new tasty campaign to present our flavor pastilles!
In order to help fans in their coffee selection, Saint-Henri is launching a colorful campaign to present its new flavor tablets. These new tablets were placed on the bags to guide consumers in their choice of coffee. They are inspired by what is done in wine and beer and they will categorize the different coffees from the micro-roaster into 5 profiles. Having a constantly evolving menu, consumers will be able to quickly find their favorite profile.
“ It is very important to us that our customers can easily find themselves in front of our wall of coffee bags. With this new concept, I am convinced that they will be able to have fun finding their pastille and discover remarkable coffees with complete confidence even if we often change our menu. The categorization by tablet will have the impact that our customers will be inclined to try different coffees with similar profiles without ever making a mistake,” says Sébastien Grenache, president of Saint-Henri.
The campaign will be available in wild posters, on social media and in branches. It features several Saint-Henri employees as well as chef Patrice Demers, who becomes the brand's first ambassador. A long-time fan of the brand, Patrice has been using Saint-Henri coffees for nearly 10 years in his succulent creations, including those he currently cooks at Fulgurances Laundromat in Brooklyn.
Saint-Henri was the first micro-roaster to establish itself in Quebec and wishes to continue to put forward new initiatives like this one to educate consumers and introduce them to the world of specialty coffee, a growing industry. full growth currently.
“ We are a long way from the Folgers and even the Tim Hortons that our parents drank where everything tasted the same, often a burnt taste. The coffee industry is experiencing the same excitement we saw before with wine and beer with microbrewery; consumers discover with interest all the flavors and richness of the terroir that can be present in their morning cup and we want to support them in this process. They also want greater transparency and traceability in the purchase of their coffee, which is why they are turning more and more towards specialty coffee ” declares Jean-Yves Beaudoin, marketing and customer experience director.
Tastings are also planned in the coming weeks in the various Saint-Henri branches to help consumers discover their flavor profile.
The campaign was developed by the internal team in collaboration with Thomas Tessier Studio.