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Brewing Guide

Espresso is one of the most difficult brewing methods to master. It is a challenge of patience and technique. Our team is continually looking for the perfect espresso, for each of the extractions made in our cafes.

Once successful, the result is a sublime harmony between complexity, balance and viscosity.

This recipe is based on a modern machine double portafilter with a capacity of 18-20 grams. Some machines come with smaller portafilters. You will therefore need to adapt the ratio accordingly.
Here's a basic recipe for a double espresso, which will give you a good starting point for the majority of light to medium roast coffees.

Step 1

​Place your clean and dry portafilter on a scale and tare it to 0. Grind enough coffee to fill it.

Step 2

Weigh and adjust to obtain 18g. Distribute the coffee as evenly as possible in the portafilter. The goal is to create a nice, level surface so that the water can pass through the coffee evenly.

Step 3

Tamp the coffee by pressing down firmly so that the weight is evenly distributed over the coffee. There is no need to press too hard, just hard enough to seal in the coffee.

Step 4

Before inserting the portafilter, purge the grouphead by activating the pump for 3 seconds to let a small amount of water flow.

Step 5

Place the cup on the scale and tare it to 0. Activate the pump to begin pulling your shot and start the timer.

When the weight on the scale reaches 36g, end the extraction and stop the timer. You should have a total of between 36 and 42g (or mL) of liquid for an extraction time of 25 to 32 seconds. If you do not have a scale, stop the extraction when the coffee stream has become pale.