The Clever Dripper is a full immersion type infuser that is simple, affordable and easily transportable. Thanks to its intelligent mechanism, you will be able to precisely control the brewing time and pour the coffee directly into your cup when it is ready.
It will give you a cup with a body similar to that of a coffee made with a French press, but without the sediment. It is compatible with #4 conical shaped filters available in grocery stores.
Brewing Parameters
Dry:25g of coffee
Liquid:400g/ml of water
Water temperature:201-204°F (30-45 sec after boiling)
Extraction time is controlled by the grind setting. If it exceeds 4 min 30 s, increase your grind. Conversely, if it is too short, it must be refined.
When pouring the water, keep the flow rate low and avoid touching the edges of the infuser too much.
Step 1
Fill your kettle with filtered water and bring to a boil. Place a paper filter in the brewer and rinse it thoroughly to reduce the papery taste. Drain the water. Place the ground coffee in your brewer and give it a gentle shake to flatten the coffee bed.
Step 2
Tare the scale and start the timer. Fill with water up to 400g. If you do not have a scale, you can fill up to the height of the lines on the side of the brewer.
Step 3
Stir to make sure all the grounds are well-saturated. Cover.
Step 4
When the timer reaches 3 minutes, place the Clever Dripper on the server. The total extraction time should range from 4 min. to 4 min., 30 sec. Stir, serve, and enjoy!