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Rencontre avec nos producteurs de café

Meeting with our coffee producers

Rencontre avec nos producteurs de café

Meeting with our coffee producers

HAS ith the closures of cafes and declines in volume at several roasters, the impact of the pandemic will be enormous for all players in the coffee supply chain. It will be more important than e...

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Voyage à la source 2020: La Lía au Costa Rica

Journey to the Source 2020: La Lía in Costa Rica

NOT ur journey to the source continues with a visit to our producing partner, the La Lía micro-mill, operated by Oscar and Luis Monge Ureña. We have been purchasing our micro-lots from La Lía si...

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Voyage à la source 2020: famille Canales
Récits de voyages

Journey to the source 2020: Canales family

VS his year marks our eleventh year of collaboration with the Canales Family. Renowned for being the first organic farm to win first place in the Nicaraguan Cup of Excellence, the Canales famil...

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Voyage à la source 2020: Finca La Uníon, Guatemala
Récits de voyages

Journey to the Source 2020: Finca La Uníon, Guatemala

D uring the last days of our trip, we were in Guatemala, more precisely in the Antigua and Acatenango region, to meet our friends Adrian and Sebastian from San Miguel and, of course, to meet th...

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Voyage à la source 2020: Huehuetenango, Guatemala
Récits de voyages

Journey to the Spring 2020: Huehuetenango, Guatemala

NOT e have just returned from a trip to the remote, mountainous region of Huehuetenango in Guatemala. It was the very first time that Saint-Henri set foot there with the aim of visiting Patrici...

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Voyage à la source 2020: Visite de fermes au Costa Rica

Journey to the Source 2020: Visiting Farms in Costa Rica

NOT ur second day of the source-buying trip continues in Costa Rica and began with cupping at our exporting partner, Exclusive Coffees. We tasted two tables: the first consisted solely of mi...

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Nouveau café dans le métro Square Victoria

New café in Square Victoria metro

C afé Saint-Henri micro-roaster will soon open a “micro-café” in downtown Montreal. The microcafé, measuring 125 square feet, will be located right in the Square Victoria - OACI metro station...

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Fondation: La famille Canales &  Saint-Henri micro torréfacteur|Foundation: The Canales family & Saint-Henri micro-roaster
Récits de voyages

Foundation: The Canales family & Saint-Henri micro-roaster|Foundation: The Canales family & Saint-Henri micro-roaster

Travel story by Jean-Francois Leduc, founder of Café Saint-Henri. VS t was in March 2009 that I undertook my first trip to supply coffee for the company I dreamed of founding. It would see th...

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Café lavé, naturel ou miel? Les 3 principales méthodes de traitement du café expliquées

Washed coffee, natural or honey? The 3 Main Coffee Processing Methods Explained

When we talk about the process of processing a coffee, it refers to the method used to transform the coffee cherries into green beans.

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Voyage à la source: l’Éthiopie, berceau du café
Récits de voyages

Journey to the source: Ethiopia, birthplace of coffee

Our Source Buying team recently had the chance to travel to Ethiopia for the first time!

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